Office hours and getting help from TAs in CS3 will be different than in CS 1 and CS 2; so, please read at least the tl;dr carefully!
You will be assigned two TA mentors who will work with you and your group throughout the entire term. Each Friday, you will have a code review with either your TA mentors or Adam, where you will get feedback on your code for that week’s project.
This term, the ticketing system will be used primarily for lab help. To submit a ticket, click on “Submit a Ticket” on the top right of the webpage.
To get help on projects, you will contact your TA mentors directly in your Discord workspace or go to their scheduled office hours.
To submit tickets, go to!
Detailed Explanation
The ticketing system will primarily be used for assigned labs. To submit a ticket, click on “Submit a Ticket” in the top right. The CS3 staff will be monitoring and responding to these tickets through the system; if a ticket needs to be elevated to in-person office hours, the ticket will be assigned to your TA mentors, who will then contact you to schedule a meeting time as soon as possible.
To submit a ticket, click on “Submit a Ticket” in the top right, then fill out the form that will look something like this:
You’ll get an email when we address your ticket. If appropriate, at this point you can reply to the email or reply on the ticketing site.
If your ticket is sent to office hours, your TA mentors will reach out to you to coordinate a meeting time. Note that submitting a vague question will not necessarily get you sent to office hours; in fact, we will likely ask you to be more specific about what you’re confused about.
Office Hours
For projects, you will work directly with your TA mentors. To get help on a project, you can send a message in your Discord workspace. Your TA mentor will either respond via text for quick/short questions, or they will reach out as soon as possible to schedule a meeting time to discuss more lengthy questions that may be easier to deal with in-person, such as debugging help.
Each of your TAs will also be holding separate office hours throughout the week, during which you and your group are welcome to go for in-person help. These office hours will be some time between 7pm - midnight; please refer to the course website or contact your TAs for the specific time/day. If you need help outside of scheduled office hours, you are always welcome to send a message in your workspace!