CS 3 (Spring 2024) Project 04: Forces and Impulses (Game)

In this project, you will implement a library to manage game assets.

If you run into Makefile/compilation errors, you can run the script cs3-check-files to check that you’ve ported over all required files. The script will tell you which files are missing in the terminal, or you can check the .required-files file in your repo. If all required files are present, the terminal will not print anything.


This week, you will be implementing a library to help manage the assets (like fonts, images, etc.) that we use in our games. So far, we’ve managed assets by storing them in our state_t struct. However, as our game grows, we will need a more organized way to create, store, and use assets. In this project, you will implement a library that will do exactly that! Finally, to test that it works, you will then use it to implement the same game as last week, but with our new asset library.


One of the pitfalls of storing all our individual assets in our state_t struct is having to find the variable in state_t that corresponds to the filepath of the asset we want to use. This is cumbersome for the programmer and error-prone. Instead, what if we had a struct like a cache, or store of assets, that could retrieve the asset for us using just the filepath? You will be implementing such a struct in asset_cache.c.


To implement the functionality stated above, we will manage our assets using a map that is built on top of our list_t struct! While our time complexity won’t be as good as a hash table, it will be more than sufficient for our purposes due to the (relatively) small number of assets we will be using.

To implement key-value pairs, we will use an entry_t struct (provided in asset_cache.c) with the following fields:

asset_cache_init and asset_cache_destroy have been provided for you. Before you take a look at them, here are a few things to keep in mind:

Now you’ll be implementing the rest of the functions in asset_cache.c!


Having an asset_cache_t is great, and now we can access assets by just using the filepath! However, we still have a few problems:

It would be much easier to abstract these details away and use a single struct that contains all the information we need to render an asset. That way, all we need to do is to initialize an asset with its appropriate arguments and render it. This is where the asset_t struct comes in!

The asset_t struct will contain fields like the type of the asset (corresponding to the same type field that we used in the entry_t struct!) and the bounding_box that stores the dimensions and location of the asset when it’s rendered. However, since each asset also requires type-specific fields, we will implement two other asset structs that “inherit” from asset_t using the C inheritance pattern. These structs have been defined for you in the asset.c file.


Now, it’s time to put it all together! We have given you starter code for last week’s meme generator project in game.c. The only thing you need to implement is the generate_memes function. We’ve included documentation about what it does, but also take a look at where generate_memes is being called and what emscripten_main is calling to get a general sense of how it’s being used.

Now you’ve completely transformed your meme generator to one that is much more encapsulated, abstracted, and easy to use. This will pay huge dividends for your game later down the line. Great work!

Open-ended Questions